there are a lot of prescriptions that people will prescribe for people who want
to embark on the highway of success. Most of them surely do work, though some
will work for some time then they stop churning out the expected level of
success. When you reach that level then
will you realise the bedrock of most motivation theories that motivational
writers and authors spurn out. The Bottom line is that the foundation to any
success is principles.
are defined as fundamental truths or propositions serving as the foundation for
belief or action, they are rules or beliefs governing one’s personal behaviour
or simply morally correct behaviour and attitudes.
form the spinal cord for all success motivation theories that can be produced
and all leadership values that can ever be given at any time and any place in
the world. Success motivation theories will shift and change according to the
time that is why at any generation and interval new success theories always pop
up. However principles are eternal, they are fundamental truths that will never
change or shift. Principles therefore do not change with style of leadership or
personal preferences.
of the people in this generation have been deceived by the system to think that
people can avert principles and still achieve long lasting success or rather
significance. That is an absolute mistruth that has been perpetuated at most by
people who do not want to discipline themselves to take the high road and live
a principled life. Unfortunately the people who have decided to circumvent
principles form the bulk of the people in this world we live in today. As such
it has become normal to live a life devoid of principles where people seek
nothing but the easiest way out.
we approach the festive season it is very important that we visit the topic of
principles once more as this happens to be the time when most people abandon
the core principles of their life sadly for the short lived joy or good life
that the festive season has been known for. Some people commit grave violations
of established principles during or before the festive season but alas they
will never recover from their mistake.
people suddenly become increasingly uncomfortable with their life during the
festive season because this season is known for extravagant shopping lifestyles
that people do not live in their normal day to day life. Maybe this culture was
established by the 12th pay cheque that most people get during this
time better known as bonus. This has resulted in people buying luxuries they
could not afford throughout the year. However some people because of their
competitive nature tend to want more than they have in their plate. They want
to outclass the whole neighbourhood and really live up the glamorous TV life
where you just swipe and go. Unfortunately because they are not able to sustain
this insatiable need for glam they end up supporting this need with money
earned unethically. Have you realises how people become susceptible to earning
bribes during this time of the year. They will accept that bribe because they
are eyeing that new outfit or gadget or just for a few drinks. Some people will
even embezzle funds even though they are very sure that a company audit will
unearth this activity resulting in their arrest or loss of job. Most Children
will steal money from parents or even go on to engage in illegal activities
just for the love of fun and Bling. Please desist from this practise. It’s not
worth it. Value your principles. One of the simplest principles of finances is,
“Spend within your means.”
people develop new behaviours usually when their senses are hyped up and they
do not have much time to consider the results of their actions. Most people
started abusing substances initially during the festive season especially the
youths. Most young children lose their innocence during festive seasons for
various reason ranging from peer pressure to being under the influence of some
substance. Whatever happens, No matter how excited you, the festive season is
not the time to lose your principle but to make merry and share the goodness of
life. Do not be fooled there is nothing exciting about throwing your principles
outside the window.
your principle with you wherever you go and be assured of a wonderful time
before, during and after the festive season. Those who abandon their principle
will count their loss when the festive season is gone. Don’t be one of them.
Have clean fun!!!
next week guys, happy festive season and God bless you all.
writer is a motivational speaker
can be contacted on glendhliwayo@gmail.com
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