Sunday, 1 April 2012

365 POWER QUOTES Edition 2

The 365 power quotes are a feature of this blog where at the beginning of the week I share 7 quotes for the whole week, one for each day. When I share a quote by someone else I will acknowledge. If there is no acknowledgement the quote is mine. Look forward to these quotes beginning of every week. Hope they will be useful.
Day 1:
To whom much is given much is expected.
-          The Holy Bible
Day 2:
What you think people do not know about you is actually what they know.
-          Apostle E. H Guti (Founder and President of ZAOGA FIF Ministries)
Day 3:
Never delay to tomorrow what you can do today. Doing that is essentially creating a crisis for yourself.
Day 4:
Never underestimate your humble beginnings.
-          Admire Taderera (Broadcaster)
Day 5:
Never try to help a person who does not acknowledge that they need help. Your effort is in vain if you do so.
Day 6:
Whether you think you can or you cannot, either way you are right.
-          Henry Ford
Day 7:
I challenge myself to always confront my fears, to do what my mind tells me I cannot do, and I always aim to outdo my previous performances and records.

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